About Pisces: (February 19 – March 20)


The 12th and final Sign of the Zodiac is Pisces. It is well known that Pisces absorbs the characteristics of all 11 zodiac signs in some way. The romantic and dreamy Sign is famed for its lovely creative side, which some compare to free-flowing poetry and others like a fresh floral blossom. Many people consider Pisces to be unselfish and giving, while others believe they (Pisces-born people) are inflexible and fixed.

The contradictions abound in Pisces, exactly as its emblem of two fish aligned to move in opposite directions. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is thought to exist in their own universe; they are distant, spiritual, and intensely focused on their inner quests for peace and harmony. The Pisces locals are known for riding the waves with ease and without generating aggravation. They despise conflicts. Instead, they prefer to take roundabouts and will go to great lengths to avoid conflict.

Pisces is a water sign, which makes them emotional, intuitive, and empathetic towards others. They are deeply compassionate and often feel the pain of others as their own.

Pisces individuals are known for their creative and imaginative abilities. They have a natural talent for art, music, and other creative pursuits. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces has a deep connection with spirituality and the unseen world. They are often interested in exploring the depths of their subconscious and the mysteries of the universe.

Pisces individuals may struggle with boundaries and can tend to take on other people’s problems or emotions. They may need to learn how to protect their energy and set healthy boundaries. Famous Pisces individuals include Albert Einstein, Rihanna, Steve Jobs, and Kurt Cobain. The colour associated with Pisces is lavender, which symbolizes creativity, spirituality, and healing.

In relationships, Pisces individuals are often attracted to partners who are understanding, empathetic, and sensitive. They value emotional connection and may prioritize their relationships above all else.

Pisces individuals have a strong love of daydreaming and may spend a lot of time lost in their imaginations. They have a rich inner world and may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation or visualization. Pisces individuals are often highly sensitive and may have strong intuition or psychic abilities. They are attuned to the energies around them and may pick up on subtle cues or signs that others may miss. Pisces is associated with the twelfth house in astrology, which governs endings, spirituality, and the subconscious. This reflects their deep connection to the spiritual world and their ability to tap into the unseen.

Basic Details About Pisces Sign: 

  • Sanskrit Name: Meena
  • Planet Neptune and Jupiter is the ruling planet of the Pisces sign.
  • Pisces is affecting and ruling the hands and feet body parts.
  • Two Fish is a symbol of Pisces’s sign.
  • Kundali House: Twelfth house 
  • Beneficial Colours: Blue, Green, and Light Yellow
  • Tarot card: The Moon
  • Lucky Number is 25, 30, 34, 43, and 52.
  • Lucky Day: Thursday
  • Birthstone For Pisces: Yellow Sapphire, and Yellow Quartz

Some of the interesting facts about the Pisces Sign: 

  • Pisces is the oldest sign of the zodiac, dating back to ancient Babylonian times.
  • Pisces is often referred to as the “dreamer” of the zodiac due to their vivid imagination and love of daydreaming.
  • Famous Pisces include George Washington, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, and Elizabeth Taylor.
  • Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of spirituality, dreams, and illusions.
  • Pisces is considered a mutable sign, which means they are adaptable and flexible in their approach to life.
  • Pisces is associated with the feet in astrology, which reflects their sensitive nature.
  • Pisces individuals are often drawn to creative pursuits such as music, art, and writing.
  • Pisces is considered the most emotional sign of the zodiac, and they are known for their deep empathy and compassion towards others.
  • Pisces individuals often have a strong connection to nature and may feel rejuvenated by spending time near water or in natural surroundings.
  • In relationships, Pisces individuals value emotional connection above all else and may prioritize their partner’s needs over their own.

To know more about Pisces Persons, you are most welcome to talk with our team of expert astrologers